Hi! We’re Andrew and Eli, two Americans living in the North Caucasus mountains of Russia. We love it here. And we want others to do the same.
We created this podcast in the summer of 2017 in order to broadcast the richness and wonder of the North Caucasus and its many peoples to English-speakers around the globe.
Please drop us a line in the comments of our podcast episodes. Or email us at We’re so glad you’re here and hope we can connect with each of you our esteemed listeners along the way!

Andrew hails from the state of North Carolina in the USA, and has lived in the North Caucasus with his wife and three children since 2014. He is a big fan of Caucasus hospitality and wants to share with the world all he’s learned about this region and its people. Andrew directs a tour company for English-speakers called Beyond Red Square introducing foreigners both to Russia and the North Caucasus region. If you would like to climb Mt. Elbrus or experience Caucasus culture and nature, he’d love to help!

Eli is finishing a Masters degree in ethno-arts, with a focus on the arts of the North Caucasus. He routinely finds himself stunned by the beauty of the cultures and nature here. You may find him with his audio recorder and camera in-hand wherever the arts are happening. He is the co-founder of the new Apricot Media & Consulting, where he applies ethnography to the creation of media and the strengthening of businesses. More than recorded data, he delights in connecting with people at the heart level about things that matter to them. Out of the studio he runs, rock climbs, and skis, all of which are amply provided for in the North Caucasus. He lives in the Caucasus with his wife and four children.